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Cleanroom tubing, general

The cleanroom area in which our tubing is produced and/or packaged, is a controlled environment where the air pollution is regulated to certain limits. Contamination is generated by people, processes, facilities and equipment. This contamination must be removed from the air continuously. The extent to which these particles need to be removed depends on the standard.

The most common standard is ISO146441. This standard regulates the classes of air cleanliness for the particles in cleanrooms and clean zones. Strict rules and procedures need to be followed to avoid contamination of the product. The air flow, pressure, temperature, humidity and specialized filtration needs to be regulated. Where possible, the source of these particles need to be controlled or eliminated.

Cleanrooms are designed and manufactured according strict protocols and methods. They are mainly found in electronics, pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, medical device industries and other critical manufacturing environments.

Technical information

Need more information about the properties? These can be found in the technical datasheets below.

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Please contact our sales engineers if you require more information, an inquiry or to evaluate samples. Or download our technical data sheets.

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Healthcare industry